CST to EST Converter - Time Zone Tool (2025)

Time Zone Converter: Central Standard Time to Eastern Standard Time

Central Standard Time Information Time Zone Converter
Eastern Standard Time Information Meeting Planner

What Time is it in CST Now?

07:13:15 CST

Saturday, Aug 24, 2024

What Time is it in EST Now?

08:13:15 EST

Saturday, Aug 24, 2024

Central Standard Time Eastern Standard Time
12:00am - 00:00 01:00am - 01:00
01:00am - 01:00 02:00am - 02:00
02:00am - 02:00 03:00am - 03:00
03:00am - 03:00 04:00am - 04:00
04:00am - 04:00 05:00am - 05:00
05:00am - 05:00 06:00am - 06:00
06:00am - 06:00 07:00am - 07:00
07:00am - 07:00 08:00am - 08:00
08:00am - 08:00 09:00am - 09:00
09:00am - 09:00 10:00am - 10:00
10:00am - 10:00 11:00am - 11:00
11:00am - 11:00 12:00pm - 12:00
12:00pm - 12:00 01:00pm - 13:00
01:00pm - 13:00 02:00pm - 14:00
02:00pm - 14:00 03:00pm - 15:00
03:00pm - 15:00 04:00pm - 16:00
04:00pm - 16:00 05:00pm - 17:00
05:00pm - 17:00 06:00pm - 18:00
06:00pm - 18:00 07:00pm - 19:00
07:00pm - 19:00 08:00pm - 20:00
08:00pm - 20:00 09:00pm - 21:00
09:00pm - 21:00 10:00pm - 22:00
10:00pm - 22:00 11:00pm - 23:00
11:00pm - 23:00 12:00am - 00:00

Welcome to the most comprehensive time-focused website on the internet! On this page you will find a converter that can show you the difference between two specific time zones. In this case we're talking about converting Central Standard Time to Eastern Standard Time.

Beyond this convenient tool, we also have live clocks for both of these areas that adjust for factors like Daylight Saving Time. Also, tables are available for easy reference to various conversions as you see fit.

When converting between these two zones, it's best to remember that these two time zones are adjacent to one another, meaning they are exactly an hour off from each other. The Eastern zone is one hour ahead of the Central zone.

Here's an example for you:

If it's 5:00 P.M in the CST zone, then it is 6:00 P.M in the EST zone. Always add one hour to the Central time to convert to the Eastern one.

Both of these locations observe Daylight Saving Time, therefore there is a period of each year from March until November where the clocks are moved forward an hour. On November 1st, they are moved back. During DST, both of these time zones are in different slots: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and Central Daylight Time (CDT) respectively. Let's examine each time zone in more detail:

Central Standard Time:

This zone is 6 hours behind Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) and is written as UTC -6:00. During DST it is written as UTC -5:00. it is used in the following countries: Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador, and the United States. The military uses this time zone and designates it with an "S" which stands for "Sierra."

This zone includes major cities such as Mexico City with a population of 12 million people. Other major cities of note in this region are Chicago, Houston, and the ancient cities of Iztapalapa and Ecatepec.

Eastern Standard Time:

This zone is five hours behind from Universal Coordinated Time. It is written as UTC -5:00. The eastern portion of the United States uses it, along with EDT during the summer months which is subsequently written as UTC: -4:00.

The following countries are within this time zone: Bahamas, Canada, Haiti, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Mexico, Panama, Turks and Caicos Islands, and of course the United States. Perhaps the most notable city in this zone is New York City in the United States. With a population of over 8 million people, this is one of the most well-known and important cities in the world.

The military designation for this time zone is "R" which is short for "Romeo."

Popular city time zones

New York, NY



Washington DC






Miami, FL

Atlanta, GA

Las Vegas, NV

Seattle, WA

Houston, TX

Boston, MA

San Francisco, CA

Chicago, IL

Los Angeles, CA


Kuala Lumpur





Mexico City

Rio de Janeiro

São Paulo


Largest country time zones



United States

United Kingdom








South Africa












South Korea










Popular Time Zones











Popular Countries Time



United Kingdom

United States





Popular Cities








CST to EST Converter - Time Zone Tool (2025)


How to convert CST to EST? ›

The Central Standard Time (CST) is 1 hours behind of Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Is CST 1 hour behind EST? ›

Central Standard Time (CST) is 1 hour behind Eastern Standard Time (EST). To convert CST to EST, you have to add one hour. Central Standard Time (CST) is 1 hour ahead of Mountain Standard Time (MST). To convert CST to MST, you have to subtract one hour.

What does 12 am CST mean? ›

CST stands for Central Standard Time. Los Angeles, California time is 2 hours behind CST. So, when it is. 12:00 am CST. 1:00 am CST.

How many hours apart is EST to CST? ›

What is the difference between EST and CST time zones? The Eastern Standard Time (EST) is 1 hours ahead of Central Standard Time (CST).

How do you convert time to CST? ›

  1. pm IST. is. 2 am CST.
  2. pm IST. is. 3 am CST.
  3. pm IST. is. 4 am CST.
  4. pm IST. is. 5 am CST.
  5. pm IST. is. 6 am CST.
  6. pm IST. is. 7 am CST.
  7. pm IST. is. 8 am CST.
  8. pm IST. is. 9 am CST.

What time is it in EST timezone now? ›

02:44:55 A.M.

What timezone is CST right now? ›

Central Standard Time (North America) is 6 hours behind the UTC universal time, and summer daylight saving time standard is 5 hours behind UTC. It is effective in such cities as Dallas, Houston, Oklahoma, Minneapolis, and so on. What time is it in Central Standard Time (North America) now? It is 20:42:05 right now.

Is CDT 2 hours behind EST? ›

Converting Central Time to Other US Time Zones

Central Daylight Time (CDT) is 1 hour behind Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

What time zone is 1 hour ahead of EST? ›

Atlantic Standard Time (AST) is 1 hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST). To convert AST to EST, you have to subtract one hour. Atlantic Standard Time (AST) is 2 hours ahead of Central Standard Time (CST). To convert AST to CST, you have to subtract two hours.

What time is CST in NY? ›

Getting Started
New York, New York ( in New York) to Central Standard Time (CST)
6 pm in New Yorkis5 pm CST
7 pm in New Yorkis6 pm CST
8 pm in New Yorkis7 pm CST
9 pm in New Yorkis8 pm CST
8 more rows

Where does the time change from central to eastern? ›

Eastern–Central boundary

follows the border between Central Illinois (west) and Central Indiana (east), with parts of the central time zone extending into northern and southern Indiana. divides Kentucky in half roughly along a line that is west of Louisville, Kentucky running from northwest to southeast.

What is my specific time zone? ›

Pacific Standard Time

Is CST one hour earlier than EST? ›

Central Time is always 1 hour earlier than Eastern Time. To convert Eastern Time to Central Time, subtract one from the value of Eastern Time.

Is Texas CST or EST? ›

Central Standard Time

What states are EST and CST? ›

There are a total of five states that observe Central Time in some cities and Eastern Time in others. Those states are Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Tennessee.

What is the CST right now? ›

What time is it in Central Standard Time (North America) now? It is 20:24:28 right now.

What is 2pm CST converted to PST? ›

CST to PST Chart
CST TimePST Time
01:00 pm CST11:00 am PST
02:00 pm CST12:00 pm PST (noon)
03:00 pm CST01:00 pm PST
04:00 pm CST02:00 pm PST
20 more rows

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.