Calculate Drop Chance with Magic Find and Pet Luck | SkyblockTools (2024)

Introduction to Magic Find

Welcome to the tool. Below, I will be explaining how pet luck affects your drop, but also how Magic Findaffects certain drops in Hypixel Skyblock.

How Pet Luck and Magic Find Affect Drops

Understanding the intricacies of pet luck in Skyblock is crucial for any player. For thelongest time I did not care about Magic Find and Pet Luck, because I thought it was sweaty.

However, PetLuck is a stat that increases your chances of crafting a higher rarity pet, but also a higher chance ofdropping a pet itself. By increasing your pet luck, you can significantly improve your chances of getting aLegendary pet instead of Epic, for example.

Similarly, Magic Find is another key factor in determining your drop rates in HypixelSkyblock. Magic Find boosts your chances of obtaining rare items, making it an essential stat for any playerlooking to maximize their loot.

Comprehensive Skyblock Drop Chance Calculator

The Skyblock drop chance calculator is designed to help you understand the probabilitiesbehind item drops. Simply enter your base drop chance, magic find, andpet luck to see your chances of obtaining specific items or pets in Hypixel Skyblock.However, you can also just enter the Item (e.g. Warden Heart).

Why is Magic Find Important?

Calculate Drop Chance with Magic Find and Pet Luck | SkyblockTools (1)

If you've watched a Skyblock Youtuber or two, especially the larger ones like Refraction,you'll now that Magic Find is very important to endgame players. However, the stat boostshould be important to players of almost any stage.

This is because the difference between 129 and 130Magic Find might be the difference between dropping a Judgement Core, ordropping nothing at all.

What Drops are Affected by Magic Find?

Calculate Drop Chance with Magic Find and Pet Luck | SkyblockTools (2)

Unfortunately, your Skyblock experience can be very heavily influenced by your luck (or otherwise referred toas RNG). This is because most, if not all, of the very powerful weapons, accessories, armor and more requirea Drop Chance, or a lot of coins.

Said coins usually have to be mindlessly farmed in The Garden, or mined inthe Crystal Hollows. This can be very frustrating.

So, what drops are affected by Magic Find, and what drops are completely unaffected? For starters, any itemthat has a Drop Chance of higher than 5% is immediately rendered ineligible.

The reason for this is quitesimple: Having, say, 300 Magic Find on a 20% drop will almost guarantee you that drop, which is broken.

Furthermore, any mob that drops their Armor, Weapon, or any other rare (lower than 5% chance) drop, will workwith Magic Find.

The formula for this is quite simple: You multiply the Drop Chance by one plus the MagicFind percentage divided by 100.

This is very similar to the Farming Fortune formula.

How are Pets affected by Magic Find?

Magic Find (MF) in Hypixel Skyblock is a crucial stat that enhances your chance of obtaining rare drops frommobs and bosses.

When it comes to pet drops, MF plays a significant role in improving the likelihood ofobtaining rarer pets. For example, higher MF can increase the chance of dropping a Legendary pet instead ofan Epic one.

This makes MF especially valuable for players farming for specific high-value pets in thegame.

How are Pets affected by Pet Luck?

Pet Luck is another important stat in Hypixel Skyblock that specifically affects the chances of obtaininghigher rarity pets.

Unlike Magic Find, which influences the drop rates of various rare items, Pet Luckdirectly boosts the probability of crafting or dropping pets of a higher rarity. For instance, with higherPet Luck, your chances of crafting a Legendary pet instead of an Epic one are significantly increased.

Thisstat is essential for players focusing on pet collections and maximizing their efficiency in obtaining thebest pets.

Does Magic Find work on Pets?

Yes, Magic Find does work on pets, but its effect is different from Pet Luck.

While Pet Luck increases thechances of obtaining a higher rarity pet, Magic Find enhances the overall drop rate of pets from mobs andbosses.

This means that a higher Magic Find stat will increase the frequency of pet drops, making it aninvaluable stat for players aiming to collect more pets, especially those farming specific mobs known todrop pets.

What if the Drop Chance is higher than 5%, but the RNG Meter makes it under 5%?

In Hypixel Skyblock, if an item's base drop chance is higher than 5%, it is typically not influenced by MagicFind. However, if the RNG Meter reduces this drop chance to below 5%, Magic Find can then affect it.

The RNGMeter effectively makes these items eligible for the Magic Find boost by lowering their drop chance to apoint where Magic Find calculations can apply.

This interaction allows players to benefit from Magic Find ondrops that would otherwise be unaffected due to their high base drop chances.

How do Slayer Drops work?

The Math behind Slayer Drops is a little more complicated than the standard Magic Find formula. It uses abunch of factors, such as the weight of the drop, the weight of all possible drops, and more.

Where do I find the Drop Weight?

You can easily find the Drop Weight of a Slayer Drop on their respective Slayer Wiki Pages.

But why the extra step? Here are the weights of every drop:

Calculate Drop Chance with Magic Find and Pet Luck | SkyblockTools (3)


Revenant Flesh10000
Foul Flesh2000
Pestilence Rune I833
Undead Catalyst250
Smite VI Book100
Beheaded Horror20
Revenant Catalyst125
Snake Rune I20
Scythe Blade15
Shard Of The Shredded8
Warden Heart2
Revenant Viscera2000
Smite VII Book7

Calculate Drop Chance with Magic Find and Pet Luck | SkyblockTools (4)


Tarantula Web10000
Toxic Arrow Poison1800
Bite Rune833
Spider Catalyst75
Bane Of Arthropods VI Book100
Fly Swatter20
Tarantula Talisman20
Digested Mosquito7

Calculate Drop Chance with Magic Find and Pet Luck | SkyblockTools (5)


Derelict Ashe10000
Enchanted Blaze Powder2700
Lavatears Rune I450
Wisp's Ice-Flavored Water I Splash Potion500
Bundle Of Magma Arrows1500
Mana Disintegrator700
Scorched Books400
Kelvin Inverter500
Blaze Rod Distillate700
Glowstone Distillate700
Magma Cream Distillate700
Nether Wart Distillate700
Gabagool Distillate1400
Scorched Power Crystal600
Archfiend Dice200
Fire Aspect III Book250
Fiery Burst Rune I40
Flawed Opal Gemstone550
Duplex I Book350
High Class Archfiend Dice50
Wilson's Engineering Plans17
Subzero Inverter17

Calculate Drop Chance with Magic Find and Pet Luck | SkyblockTools (6)


Wolf Tooth10000
Hamster Wheel2000
Spirit Rune I833
Critical VI Book100
Red Claw Egg15
Couture Rune I30
Overflux Capacitor5
Grizzly Salmon7

Calculate Drop Chance with Magic Find and Pet Luck | SkyblockTools (7)


Coven Seal100
Quantum Book Bundle20
Soultwist Rune I20
Bubba Blister15
Fang-tastic Chocolate Chip15
Guardian Lucky Block10
McGrubber's Burger2
Unfanged Vampire Part2
The One Book Bundle3

Calculate Drop Chance with Magic Find and Pet Luck | SkyblockTools (8)


Null Sphere10000
Twilight Arrow Poison1800
Endersnake Rune800
Summoning Eye80
Mana Steal I Book600
Transmission Tuner300
Null Atom700
Hazmat Enderman220
Pocket Espresso Machine55
Smarty Pants I Book250
End Rune100
Handy Blood Chalice25
Sinful Dice65
Exceedingly Rare Ender Artifact Upgrade4
Void Conqueror Enderman Skin25
Etherwarp Merger60
Judgement Core8
Enchant Rune7
Ender Slayer VII Book2

How to Use the Drop Chance Calculator

Step 1: Set Your Magic Find

Enter your Magic Find percentage using the input field provided. Magic Find increases your chances ofgetting rare drops.

Step 2: Adjust Pet Luck

If you have any Pet Luck, enter the percentage in the second input field. Pet Luck further enhances yourchances.

Step 3: Set the Base Drop Chance or Enter the Item Name

Specify the Base Drop Chance of the item you're interested in. The game usually provides this. However,you can also fill in the name of the item. It will fetch the chance from the Wiki.

Step 4: Determine if it's a Pet

Toggle the switch to indicate whether the item is a pet or not. This affects the calculations, becausethen Pet Luck will be taken into account. Do not switch if the item isn't a pet, obviously.

Step 5: Click Calculate

Press the "Calculate" button to get the estimated drop chance based on your inputs.

Notable Features

Pet Luck Skyblock

You can use Pet Luck in the calculation to calculate the chance of dropping apet in Hypixel Skyblock.

Magic Find Hypixel

With this tool, understanding the antics of magic find and pet luck isunnecessary. You can easily use magic find to calculate the drop chance of items and evenpets!

Base Drop Chance

Specify the Base Drop Chance of the item you're interested in. This is usuallyprovided on the wiki.

Calculate Drop Chance with Magic Find and Pet Luck | SkyblockTools (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.